The Main Street and Downtown area as a whole plays an important role as a key business and tourist destination for the Town of Bonnyville and the surrounding region.
Join the Town in reimagining the downtown core and main street! The Downtown and Main Street Streetscape and Urban Landscape Design Strategy project (the Strategy) will create a vision for the downtown core and main street and establish strategies to guide revitalization efforts. The project area spans 50 Avenue (Highway 28) from 55 Street (Highway 41) to the Centennial Centre (C2).
The Strategy will recommend future streetscape design options including guidelines for façade improvements, building design, and site planning, and establish an implementation plan to achieve the vision. The Strategy will guide future growth initiatives to ensure a uniform look and feel for the community along 50 Avenue.
Input from residents, business owners, and landowners will help guide the development of the Strategy. Stay tuned for future public engagement opportunities!